隔音Flatbox KFR 6030 -一个简短描述与离心风机排气与伺服电动机和快门,通道尺寸6030 - a - 600 mm x 300 mm KFR KFR-A产品描述模型,KFD-A隔音Flatbox排气空气提取。配有风扇和百叶窗,配有伺服电机。使用包含在供气单元中的操作单元进行控制-不需要单独的操作单元。结构紧凑,供风或排风。房屋有30毫米岩棉隔热和隔音。由于大的流过面积,内部压力损失非常低。外壳内外光滑,不透气。这导致非常安静的操作,很少内部空气噪音,使他们容易清洁。不需要精心布线或安装附件,因为所有组件都已安装就绪,可以使用。控制单元包括送风范围内的送风单元。 Configuration information for water/air heaters can be accessed online. IP 43 degree of protection. Control unit One control unit can be used to jointly control a supply air and exhaust air flat box. Supply air flat box KFR / KFD and KFR-K / KFD-K: Control unit included in scope of delivery. Exhaust air flat box KFR-A / KFD-A: No control unit included, controlled using control unit of supply air flat box or transformer. If there is no KFR-A / KFD-A connected to the control unit, a 230 V transformer-type controllable fan can also be controlled instead (e.g. EKR, ESQ). Note: The power consumption of the exhaust air unit must not exceed that of the supply air unit. The control unit takes on the following functions: Selection of operating mode (supply air/circulating air).