Magnelab MGT-0420电流换能器是信号换能器。它是循环供电,设备能够将0到333 MV之间的AC信号转换为4-20 mA输出。该装置是已知的,并尊重其高精度,因为它是真正的RMS测量装置。这使得它特别适合扭曲波形。还可以将此设备与固体磁芯变压器一起使用,并且相似地分开核心变压器。Magnelab制造商其他类似产品,但具有不同的规格和应用。必威体育app官方下载例如,有RCS-1800三相柔性AC电流传感器。这是一个绳索CT,输入最多5000安培,输出为0.333伏。MGT-0420电流换能器具有将0到333 MV之间的交流电压输入改变为4到20mA的DC电流输出的能力。这就是为什么它是那些想要将分割核心单元或实体核心单元的输出类型转换为4到20mA的完美设备。 The device is particularly popular because of its high level of accuracy of 0.3%, with true RMS measurement. This is why it works perfectly with distorted wave forms. The device is self powered through the 4 to 20mA loop. It is made of a durable, robust construction that is easily wired and has a compact size. It operates on a frequency range of 40 to 3000 Hz and has a seven year warranty.