专用于在负载测试期间获取的数据显示和存储的软件,描述软件专用于在楼层或与M.a.e执行的其他承载元件上进行负载测试期间获取的数据。仪器。测试包括在地板的纵向线上制造,一种或多种浓缩力。计算力以便在设计中产生相同的最大应力状态,以施加分布式负载。当数据接收开始时,软件记录输入中的测量值,显示它们并实时创建图形。可以自动读取负载值或手动读取。读取数据可以实时连续,也可以是手动间隔,通过用户决定的数据记录。数据和图形实时显示。同时分析一个或多个通道的图形的可能性。使用读取测量表和生成的图形进行报告创建。 Accepts LAN and USB connections The load tests have the primary objective to compare the experimental arrows obtained during the testing phase and the theoretical arrows of the project, in order to evaluate the deformation profile of the element tested. The test loads used can be distributed (bricks, blocks or cement bags, water tanks) or similar concentrates (hydraulic jacks). The tests that use similar concentrated loads can be of pull or push test type. the result of the load tests and elastic behaviour of the structure is represented through load/shift graphs and hysteresis curves.