产品介绍:1。虽然颚式破碎机出现的时间较早,但至今仍广泛应用于冶金、化工、建材、电力、交通等行业。具有结构简单、牢固、性能可靠、维修保养方便、生产施工成本低等特点。可粉碎抗拉强度在147-245MPa的矿石和岩石。近年来,为满足冶金、矿山、建筑等行业对特低铬铁高强度、高硬度的要求,公司开发了新型破碎机。2.该机用于粉碎各种中等粒度的矿石和大粒度的物料,在矿山中得到广泛应用。应用范围:砂石场、矿山开采、矿山加工、混凝土搅拌站、干粉砂浆制品、电厂脱硫、石英砂。必威体育app官方下载物料尺寸:进料尺寸—400-1500mm;放电规模——40 - 300 mm;生产能力——10 - 500 m3 / h。 WORKING PRINCIPLE The working part of jaw crusher is composed by two jaw plates: 1.One is fix jaw plate vertically fixed (or the upper end slightly decumbent) on the front wall of the rack; another is movable jaw plate, which positioned obliquely forms with the fixed jaw a large top & narrow bottom crushing cavity (working chamber). 2.The movable jaw plate does the periodic reciprocating motion relative to the fixed one. When the movable jaw separates, the materials enter into the crushing chamber; when it closes, the materials between the two jaw plates are crushed. The product is discharged from the bottom.