电磁交叉带分离器配有环绕皮带,可自动清洁和放电磁铁。该磁体利用高梯度磁场捕获粗铁,然后利用惯性和重力将其清除。龙基公司生产的自动清洗电磁交叉带分离器非常适合广大客户。通过使用,只有,最好的绝缘,他们有一个非常低的温度上升,能够穿透一个高负荷深度与强磁场,需要少量的电力和提供一致和可靠的结果。磁芯采用DT4纯铁。这允许在电场中有一个高梯度,通过它有一个高磁性吸收率和场从一开始就高度饱和。这解决了磁场随温度波动的问题,并在运行中产生一致的结果。特点:1)结构紧凑,重量轻;2)易于维护,性能持续可靠;3)工作温度低; 4) Automatic discharge of captured material; 5) Fan cooling; 6) Automatic rectification of belt departure; 7) Centralized control realized; 8) Catch and discharge continuously; 9) Automatic discharge. Applications The automatic cleaning electromagnetic crossbelt are used in escrap processing, granular processing facilities, MURFs, power plants, nonferrous mines, scrap yards and cement plants. They are able to take out small and large pieces of ferrous which helps clean the material being processed as well as reducing wear and damage to the equipment it goes through after.