非金属矿湿式强磁选机广泛用于湿式分离石英、长石、高岭土、锂辉石、锆英石、霞石、萤石、硅线石等多种有色金属矿物,可用于赤铁矿、马氏石、褐铁矿、钒钛磁铁矿、锰矿、黑钨矿、钽铌矿等弱黑色金属矿物。1)隆基LGS系列WHIMS已获得25项国家专利。2)采用先进的有限元法对磁场进行模拟,消除了磁场引起的故障,提高了加工效果。3)磁性强度更强,可到达矿物。当背景强度达到1.3T时,感应磁强度可达2.6T。4)线圈不需要定期清洗,背景强度不需要去除。线圈采用H级绝缘。5)使用安全变压器,励磁线圈上没有接地圈。这使得操作简单安全。6)低电流控制,事故发生率低。 7) The running speed of the ring and pulsating frequency are adjustable. An accurate adjustment greatly improves the results. 8) LONGi uses international brand electrical, mechaincal components are supplied the customer can be sure that they are not only receiving the best quality parts, but, have the confidence to know that any spare parts needed in the future can be easily sourced locally most anywhere in the word to bring their machine back to factory specifications quickly and easily.