模块化能源柜为移动工作站的用户提供持续供电。特点:能量系统容量电池:28ah、40ah、65ah电池组电压:24vdc工作温度-5 ~ +35℃保证电池放电/充放电300次。由LM在能源柜中组装AGM电池,可兼容所有类型的运输(陆运、海运和空运);非常简单的电池更换程序;主断路器如果长时间不使用柜体;转换盒通过其多电压输出为多个用户(PC、打印机、终端、显示器等)提供电源,从5到24v DC和/或230v AC;(300w / 600w /1500W);模块化,可升级的机柜:插件,可互换的转换器板根据您的要求;保证电池使用寿命的安全装置:电子安全,防止电池放电超过90%;只有当电池充满电时,安全才会释放; Visual alarm (LED) indicating critical levels for autonomy; Main power supply circuit breaker; Energy cabinet supplied with installation guide. Battery charger Battery charge indicator (two-coloured LED); Installed on the charging Mode Floating/ Boost 24V / 5 A - 15 A - 25 A Waranties : The manufacturer's warranty is two years (parts and labour), applicable to all component parts used in the cabinet, with the exception of the battery pack; The batteries are guaranteed for 300 discharge/recharge cycles.