特殊功能 - 与蒸汽和蒸馏水接触的节点和零件由AISI 321不锈钢和其他不影响产品水的材料的材料制成。- 保护面板保护人员免受热部件接触并具有装饰目的。- 内置控制单元。- 内置蒸馏冷却器。- 备用管状加热元件,源供水管和馏分油管,套装套装套装套装。- 加热元件如果集中供水破坏和蒸发室中的水位下降,则会自动关闭。- 自动维持蒸发器中蒸馏器中的水位。- 三个纯化阶段:1.1。预过滤器,1.2。反渗透膜,2.蒸馏,3.去离子单元。 A multi-stage purification system enables obtaining type I water, used for very sensitive laboratory analysis methods, including high-performance liquid chromatography, atomic absorption spectrometry and trace determination of components. - The system works from tap water. - Real-time monitoring of source water quality. - Recirculation of water obtained. Assignment reagent grade water production Capacity, l/h type I water: 5.0 - type II water: 5.0 Electrical conductivity of product water0.05 µs/cm Quality of product water Type I, II Product water temperature, °С25 max Current type, frequency, voltage single-phase AC, 50 Hz, 220 V Power consumption 3,6 kVA Source water consumption, l/h (at water t from 10 to 12 °С at pressure from 0.2 to 0.4 MPa)40 Source water pressure, MPa 0.1 – 0.4 Dimensions (LxWxH), mm 670×470×490