IT-GTV-200-200-200-3000 Tmax高达3000°C的感应炉,石墨毡绝缘,气体和真空吸尘器,Tmax。3000°C,4.5 L,20 kW应用:用于燃料电池研究的碳质材料的石墨化/碳化石墨化其他应用领域可能是对超高温度材料的烧结或一般研究,最重要的特征是:有用的卷应用程序。4.5 L最大工作温度3000°C MF加热动力20 kW工作频率8-10 kHz加工气体氮,氩气,氢真空/加斯特室真空泵系统,用于真空2 x 10-5 mbar,带有涡轮分子泵(345 L/S)vacuum tight Burning-off device with flame supervision Safety package We make it possible Linn High Therm is specialized in adapting its products to customer’s requirements. Please let us know if you need any modifications. We will do everything to satisfy your wishes. Possible standardized options Emergency gas flushing device Gas warning system Emergency water cooling Process Guiding Software