KK-Model TMAX高达1340°C储窑,砖和ASW绝缘,TMAX 1340°C,55 - 2000 L应用:灰化,煅烧,脱屑,烧制,融合,冶炼,预热,收缩拟合,应力缓解最重要的特性电加热室炉最大。工作温度1300°C分别为1340°C轻质钢结构防护防腐蚀2/4壁加热,额外的门加热,尺寸较大尺寸较高的设计轻质高质量 - 德国制造易于处理,我们使临时高温专业化in adapting its products to customer’s requirements. Please let us know if you need any modifications apart from our standard offer. We will do everything to satisfy your wishes. Options Serial interface Separately controlled heating Movable bottom Useful room temperature for short time 1400°C for KK-750 and bigger 1280°C low cost version Multifunctional unit Supervision of temperature progress by display recorder Underframe Insert plate made of cordierite Pot support