光的精确运动到中等负载L14 C托盘堆垛机是用于运输托盘,喷头或托盘箱的柔性有效的处理解决方案。借助Optilift Mast控制,可以平稳,精确和静静地进行光到中等重量商品的储存和检索。双手可以方便地操作符合人体工程学分蘖头的所有控制元件。耕地头上的手持式保护操作员免受伤害。同时,长和低安装的分蘖臂确保其距离卡车安全距离。有效的驻车制动器在斜坡上牢固地握住卡车。无需维护AC电机降低了运营成本。L14 C托盘堆叠器运输载荷,总重量高达1,400公斤。特点安全长分蘖臂在车辆上非常低。这确保了驾驶员和车辆框架之间的大安全距离。 In addition, the tiller head effectively shields the hands and the low chassis prevents the feet from getting under the vehicle. The L14 C stops quickly when the operator releases the butterfly button or operates the belly switch. In addition, the mechanical brake acts when the tiller is in vertical and horizontal position. An optional creep speed button makes maneuvering easier and prevents collisions when space is limited, for example. With the parking brake, the L14 C is always safe, even on slopes. • - Long tiller arm • - Low chassis • - Automatic braking • - Anti-collision belly switch • - Creep speed • - Parking brake