Magnum®ProAlG225A 7针前触发器 - K3421-1,-2,-3,-4顶部具有优异的推挽送丝技术 - 减少送丝路径的摩擦。快速更换衬垫 - 只需卸下固定螺丝即可快速轻松地更改衬里。Magnum®Pro耗材 - 为方便起见,利用Magnum Pro耗材。获得专利的EZ-Lock系统 - 允许您随时更改或旋转桶。轻量级,符合人体工程学的手柄 - 重量分布同样平衡。处理MIG,用于铝线直径范围的脉冲MIG .035 - 1/16英寸(0.9 - 1.6毫米)铝合金功能和优点新的Magnum®ProAl型号旨在通过集成将提供的功能来优化推拉焊接操作减少停机时间。优越的推挽送丝技术 - 减少丝网进给路径中的摩擦,从而使送入平滑,并使电线损坏最小化。快速更换衬垫 - 只需卸下固定螺丝即可快速轻松地更改衬里。Magnum®Pro耗材 - 为方便起见,利用Magnum Pro耗材。 Patented EZ-Lock system – Allows you to change or rotate barrels anytime. Lightweight, ergonomic handle – Weight distribution is equally balanced between front and back for better feel and control. Recessed adjustment dial – Conveniently located on the bottom of the handle, it helps prevent a change in the workpoint while welding. Flip-up drive roll cover – Located at the thumb rest for easy access to wire. Quick wire release for easy wire adjustments. Complete with a insulated groove drive roll and an insulated idler roll – Provides a consistent arc. Drives will handle aluminum wire from .035 - 1/16 in. (0.9mm - 1.6mm) diameter.