EPK 12:7,3 KN - EPK 21:13 KN•ePK 21UnitàIDropneumatica/ epk 21水油箱Unepk 12UnitàIdropneumatica/ epk 12水油装置•epk 12型号 - epk 21型•驱动力epk 12:7,3kn(730千克)在6巴•驱动力epk 21:13 kn(1.300 kg)在6 bar•接近力量:0,95kn(95 kg)在6 bar升起:0,95kn(95 kg)6酒吧•总标准笔划:45 - 75 - 115 - 165 mm•标准工作冲程:5 - 10 - 15毫米机组设计用于磁传感器压力扣单元固定方法: - 系列:标准型号 - 螺钉:TX模型阀杆连接:AF, AS, AT Approaching reccommended speed : 0,3 m/sec - Anodized aluminium - Standard magnetic unit - Connection with high pressure chamber - Adjustable return stroke cushioning - Rod connection model “AF’ - Possibility to manage the working cycle in an indepen-dent way from the approaching phase - Possibility to manage the unit with low pressure - Without external tank - 3D or 2D drawings on request - Usage instructions in pdf format - Incorporation statement - Unit testing certificate