如今,在自动化行业的不同应用领域,对快速和灵活性的需求比以往任何时候都要大。来自KUNBUS的高性能PROFIBUS DP/DPV1板DF PROFI II,超越了这些要求。作为PCI, PCIe和CPCI, DF PROFI II适合广泛的用途。由于5 V和3.3 V都支持的事实,板是兼容的快速服务器pc和工作站。DF PROFI II作为DP Master或DP Slave运行。除了标准的PROFIBUS DP/DPV1服务外,该板还提供了一个看门狗功能,用于Master class 1冗余概念的物理PROFIBUS线路断开。如果正在运行的PC系统出现故障,则可以无缝切换到冗余的备用系统。流程数据图像还提供了基于毫秒的相对时间戳值。PROFIBUS配置数据存储在一个故障保护Flash类型内存中。配置器III可用于编译和下载PROFIBUS配置。 The comfortable and full graphical tool minimises the configuration effort. Extensive download, analysis and control functions permit an efficient check-up of the configured PROFIBUS DP network. The compiled configuration is stored in XML format. This allows an easy integration into third party applications. Drivers for all current operating systems and a LabVIEW™ PROFIBUS VISA Driver are available for the DF PROFI II board.