螺旋旋转的条带缠绕PTFE和玻璃纤维胶带结合,给出极端的柔韧性,耐腐蚀,长期耐久性和化学惰性,这种软管可用于许多不同的应用,从热循环到注塑成型。- 应用:在需要更紧密的弯曲半径的应用中全球使用,同时仍需要PTFE软管的无与伦比的品质。缠绕的卷曲软管组件也对洗衣店,橡胶和塑料成型和其他类型的热循环的需求具有高度抵抗抵抗力。steam service characterised by frequent on/off cycles but is not suitable for steam - cold water cycling applications - Inner layer construction: Helically convoluted PTFE tube with glassfibre outer layer PTFE according to “ISO12086, Part 1.PTFE-E.P.D.M 1.6.1.C.E.4_12” - Outer Layer construction: High tensile 304 maypole wound Stainless Steel braid - Temperature range: -54°C to +260°C (65°F to 500°F) - Other: Antistatic liners are available for the Tape wrapped range for when electrically resistive fluids are being transferred at high flow rates.