KESLA 500系列起重机适用于小型货运机、坚固的森林拖车和重型农用拖拉机的后桥外壳。该系列包括单延长和双延长型号。除了标准支柱,短(M)和高(H)支柱是可用的。这些功能可以补充从广泛的KESLA项目抓取的解决方案。有许多控制阀选项,从机械双杠杆阀版本配备液压或电动先导控制。坚固的稳定器与通常随装载机而来的稳定器的组合更加坚固。稳定器的设计是经过深思熟虑的。除了a形框架伸缩稳定器,在困难条件下也有襟翼下降模型。科斯拉是芬兰林业技术领域强大的发展力量,拥有50多年的经验,生产高质量的林业机械。KESLA产品系列涵盖木材采伐和加工的所有工作阶段。 Besides the forest industry, KESLA products are used in many sectors, including energy production, recycling industry, in ports and on vessels. The KESLA products are exported to more than 35 countries around the world. The KESLA cranes and loaders, designed for professional use, combine the latest in crane techno - logy and components and materials of the highest quality. All KESLA cranes and loaders have been