通过这种高精度的计数系统Kern CC,您可以更换大型的单个计数秤参考标度KERN CFS:这款专业的KERN CFS计数刻度,也可以用作独立规模,满足最高要求的准确性,称重范围和物品的体积,通过培养到高容量称重桥可编程使用数值键盘: - 所需的参考数量 - 已知的参考重量三个显示器总重量,件重量,总量存储器(PLU)100件additional text, reference weight and tare weight, e.g. of a container Audible Fill-to-target: target quantity or target weight can be programmed. When the target value is reached, a signal will sound Precise counting: The automatic reference weight optimisation of reference weight gradually improves the averag piece weight value Quantity scale KERN KFP: The high-accuracy quantity counting takes place on the weighing platform (= weighing bridge) KERN CCS. In this way even the smallest of parts can be counted in large volumes Stainless steel platform, painted steel base Aluminium singlepoint load cell (1×3000 e), protection against dust and water splashes IP65 delivery for models with [Max] ≥ 600kg: 5 working days (Freight forwarder) Protective working cover included with delivery