压力露点:至-40°F凯瑟KDF系列单塔干燥剂空气干燥机显著降低压缩空气露点。Kaeser的KDF sériés单塔干燥剂空气干燥机显著降低压缩空气露点。通过一个简单的流动设计,干燥机经济产生的大气露点低至-45°F。KDF的模块化设计允许用户轻松安装所需的预过滤器。KDF非常适合于需要小容量极度干燥空气的点使用应用。KDF是一款非常经济实惠的压缩空气干燥机,不需要电力。硅胶干燥剂可重复使用,降低了运行成本。只需在规定的时间内将硅胶放入烤箱中烘烤,并通过température再生干燥剂。压缩空气进入干燥剂干燥机壳体,并通过硅胶干燥剂的床层向下流动。当干燥剂床变得饱和时,干燥剂指示物的颜色从蓝色变为白色。 In the bottom ot the housing, the compressed air flows upwards through an integrated dust filter and into an outlet tube where it is directed to the discharge port of the dryer housing. Standard Features: •Moisture indicator - signais the need to replace desiccant •Re-usable silica gel desiccant •Easy to read change-out indicator •Rugged design •Wide range of sizes Applications: •Industrial paint booths •Bodyshops •Point of use •Intermittent air uses