Juaristi铣削和转动桌我们通过线性或静水压引导的JuariSti旋转桌开发表的表达表,使得能够进行稳定和符合人体工程学的研磨和转向操作。它们在定位方面非常精确,并且由于线性或静水引导而使运动流畅。它们涵盖了各种工作空间,兼容最多180吨。倾斜表MGT容量从40到100吨。10°倾斜角度。尺寸高达4,000×4,000毫米。我们为客户开发定制的倾斜表(最多10º),相对于具有总角度位置控制的水平面。这些桌子在需要特殊角度击穿的部件上耐生产率,精确加工。将表格MT桌子直径从1,450到3,000 mm驱动功率从46到2×51 kW。主轴速度为100至400 min-1负载能力,5至50吨。 We supply optimal turning tables for medium volume parts. They have a hydrostatic or ball screw base and are equipped with Balance Control technology, a system that makes use of state-of-the-art sensors. ROTO-TRAVERSING TABLES MG LINEAR OR HYDROSTATIC GUIDING FOR THE CROSS MOVEMENT. LOAD CAPACITY FROM 8 TO 180 TONNES. TABLE DIMENSIONS FROM 1,000×1,200 MM TO 5,000×6,000 MM. CROSS TRAVEL FROM 1,000 TO 6,000 MM. JUARISTI has a long track record of developing machining rotary tables, which offer multiple advantages in terms of design, optimisation, assembly and maintenance. This system eliminates metal-to-metal contact and virtually eliminates wear because the components “float” in a very thin oil film.