外部板由AISI 304不锈钢制成,带有雕刻的搅拌器位置。每个位置独立的搅拌速度控制。前面板保护飞溅。型号5- s和5- n:适用于5个烧瓶,最大600毫升。(max。Ø90毫米)。9- s和9- n:适用于9个烧瓶,最大300毫升。(max。Ø75毫米)。环氧涂层外壳。 APPLICATIONS Specially recommended for bio-pharmaceutical diagnostic assays. CONTROL PANEL Illuminated mains switch. Individual position stir speed control. CONTROL PANEL Mains illuminated power switch. Individual speed control for each position. Electronic heater energy control from 0-100% synchronised with an indicator lamp when the heater is on.