用微处理器控制的过程。可调温度从105°c到125°c。垂直模型容量:40升适用于微生物学和组织培养实验室的操作工作流程。制备,灭菌和分配培养基是整合在一个单一的高压釜。高效的加热、冷却、搅拌系统。特点:不锈钢外壳。容器和外壳采用不锈钢材料。USB输出的数据记录在笔驱动器。50个程序完全由用户配置。每蠕动泵的用量。 Dosage control by a pedal. Magnetic stirrer for internal stirring with PTFE rod. Agitation speed adjustment (50-200 rpm). Filler for dosage additive. Temperature control by water probe and by product probe. SAFETY Safety: The lid cannot be opened if the chamber is under pressure. Safety valve: Prevents over pressure over the maximum limit. Safety pressure switch: switches the heater power off to if over pressure. Safety Lid: insulated lid protection.