干燥和灭菌烘箱“干大”风扇辅助循环。数字控制和显示温度和时间可调温度从40°c至250°c稳定性:±0.4°c,高达100°c。均匀性:±2°c,可达100°c设定误差:工作温度的±2.5%。分辨率:1°c微处理器控制,数字显示温度和时间,通过Pt100温度传感器达到设定的温度后,可预编程时间启动和运行时间。2.内胆采用AISI 304不锈钢制造。3.预混合室采用AISI 304不锈钢制造。4. Shielded heating elements with complete air circulation, homogeneously distributed throughout. 5. Low external temperature due to excellent thermal insulation. 6. Ventilation fan to force the air to circulate in the oven. 7. Diagram showing the air flow from the premixing chamber round the heating elements to the oven chamber. 8. Independent insulated control box. 9. Air inlet. 10. Ventilator with adjustable outlet of 120 Ø mm. 11. Shelf guides. 12. Shelves made of AISI304 stainless steel. 13. Flexible silicon door gasket around the entrance of the chamber. 14. Epoxy coated outer case. CONTROL PANEL 1. Illuminated mains switch. 2. Temperature mode indicator. 3. Time mode indicator. 4. Display for temperature and time. 5. Operating, Status mode. 6. Delay time state indicator. 7. Push button temperature selector. 8. Push button time selector. 9. Push button “increase” value or parameter. 10. Push button “decrease” value or parameter. 11. Push button Stop/Start. 12. Set temperature. 13. Set run time: time period from 1 minute to 9 hours 59 minutes, or up to 99.