JURBT-1系列屈曲阻力测试仪是用来模拟人孔埋在地下的情况,检查人孔对地下水的阻力。密封并抽真空样品20。C-25。C、保持压力稳定1000h以上,测量槽边和槽底的变形,然后用最小二乘法外推50年后的变形。特点1。高效真空系统提供了广泛的负压范围-70kPa到OkPa。2.特殊端盖,适用于各种管材样品。3.采用悬臂式提升结构,扩大测试空间,使人孔范围从315mm扩大到1200mm。4.Deformation sensors adjustable to different directions, are applicable to the conditions of uneven samples or reinforced sample surface. 5. Industrial control terminal and colorful touch screen display provide more information to operator, e.g. pressure-time and deformation-time curves, leakage detection. Once there is leakage or unstability on sample, vaccum pump will stop working automatically. 6. Test data can be exported through USB port. 7. Test data will be saved automatically in case of abnormal interruption. Test time will be continued after system up to setting pressure.