本试验机执行GB/T17689-1999《土工合成材料塑料土工格栅》、QB/T2854-2007《塑料土工格栅蠕变试验与评价方法》、Q/CR549.2-2016《铁路工程土工合成材料第二部分:土工格栅》、ISO13431等标准要求:土工织物及土工织物相关产品-拉伸蠕变和蠕变断裂性能的测定,主要用于土工必威体育app官方下载织物格栅产品室温和高温蠕变试验的评价。是科研机构、质检部门、航空航天、建筑材料、大专院校及相关工矿企业进行材料性能检测和研究的常用设备。主要规格1。单个设备加载单元通道数:4个。单通道最大载荷:10KN;3.有效载荷范围:0.1kN~10kN;4.试验力测量误差:±1%以内; 5. The degree of variation of the indication value: ≤1% 6. Eccentricity of upper and lower chuck: ≤10%; 7. Minimum test force: 20N; 8. Leverage ratio: 1:20 (first level leverage) 9. Minimum load classification: 1.0N 10. Single-channel weight classification: (six types, total 18) 11. Deflection of the upper lever: 0.3mm; 12. Lifting speed of the pull-down rod: Slow speed (automatic leveling) 2.5mm/min; Fast (automatic leveling) 7.5mm/min; Manually 4mm/r (handwheel); 13. The maximum stroke of the pull rod: 400mm; 14. Effective test space: 1800mm; 15. Control mode: There are two lever leveling modes: automatic control and manual control; 16. Equipment form: a group of four stations, sharing an environmental box.