本机适用于材料,需要集中混合和dryat低温(chemistrypharmaceutical前充足的生物化学产品)和食品工业ies特别适合干燥materialapt氧化挥发和强烈的热敏感和毒素而不是permittedto破坏晶体的干燥。必威体育app官方下载特点1。当油加热时,采用自动恒温控制,可干燥生化产品和矿物原料,温度可在20 ~ 160度温差±2度内。2.热效率高,比普通干燥箱提高2倍以上。3.间接加热,物料不污染,符合GMP要求。设备维修操作简单,易于清洗。工作方法热源(如。热水、低压蒸汽或导热油)通过密封夹套。 And transmit the heat to the targetmaterial . Driveni o momentum the chamber revolves lowly and makes material in it mixing continuously . The raw material exists at the state ofvacuum . The drop of steam pressure makes the moisture ( solvent ) at the surface of material become saturation and evaporates . The solvent will bedischarged through vacuum pump and recollected in time . The inner moisture ( solvent ) of material will in filtrate evaporate and discharge continuouslyThe three processes are carried our unceasingly . And the purpose of drying can be realized within a short time.