产品介绍:该装置的结构基于创新设计,s2000在侧面有轮子和牵引杆,当你移动这台便携式发电机时,“零重力”体验是独特的。发动机配备独特的燃料系统,使您可以在任何位置操作发电机而不损失燃料。比较这一革命性的发电机与当前的模型在市场上建立了框架,与此发电机这不再适用。这是第一个真正的便携式发电机。这是绝对安全的产品。s2000内部还配备了Gen-mate无线监控系统。这允许用户通过智能手机实时监控并跟踪问题。多亏了Gen-mate系统,发电机可以提醒你是时候加油或保养了。通过genmate可以实现发电机组的智能化管理。s2000拥有数十项国内外专利,是便携式发电机领域的一个巨大飞跃。 Among other things, this generator can be used in the case of an electric car, to refill the batteries while driving, without fuel leaks, even a new era breaks for the portable generators. Application: camping trips, yacht expeditions, emergency power supply, vehicles and yachts, back-up power or even emergency response. S 2000 is always a powerful, portable companion. It can help you to experience the electricity grid with ease on disconnected terrain.