采用巴斯夫创新的高回弹技术设计的城市运动风格安全鞋。静电耗散鞋ESD环境等级II根据EN 61340-4-3和EN 61340-5-1进行测试。Textil Putek®PLUS和抗磨损。TPU插入鞋跟集成在鞋带中,以良好地抓住在鞋中的脚。透气的3D网状衬里,蜂窝结构,提高了脚部的全面通风和快速干燥。垫舌保护脚背,结合两侧风箱防止任何污垢进入靴子。紧致弹性泡沫的人体工学衣领,内衬额外的舒适和更好的脚踝和跟腱保护。系上2对金属鸡眼和3对快速解鞋带。当你走路时,用花边环固定舌头。鞋带100厘米从38到40和120厘米从41到48。 Tabs at the back for easy pull-on. Memory GEL ESD footbed made from BASF Elastopan polyurethane and heat-sensitive memory foam cushions pressure points, improves weight distribution and absorbs vibrations in the heel area. Anatomically formed and perforated. PREM-Alu tip in aluminium resisting an impact of an energy of 200 joules. New manufacturing process : antiperforation inner sole and insert in FleXtane™ By Jallatte material, antistatic, 100% composite. Sewn directly onto the bootstrap and covering 100% of the foot for all-round protection. 100% composite materials : lighter than steel, non-magnetic, non-conductive of heat or cold. Heel stiffener to reinforce the heel seat.