2T电动叉车,1500kg电动堆垛机2T电动叉车规格型号:CBD20R-II额定载重量:2000kg驱动方式:最大站立叉形尺寸:53×180×1100(1150/1220)mm电动托盘车的手柄上装有应急开关。2.电量和工作时间可在屏幕上显示。3.这个电动堆垛机有紧急断电开关。低速行程开关,确保电动托盘的高安全性。5.托盘叉车低电量保护装置,延长电池使用寿命。 6. Canbus technology simplifies wiring system and increases reliability of the warehouse equipment. 7. Hall element reduces the abrasion and prolongs the service life of the component. 8. The drive axle is equipped with lubricating nozzle and sleeve. 9. Solid steel housing can be easily and conveniently opened for maintenance.