电动堆垛机设计最大载重1000kg。该堆垛机外形美观、操作灵活、生产率高、可操作性强、经济效益高、环保,是低频、低强度、短距离货物运输和堆垛的理想设备。托盘堆垛机是完美的使用在大多数货物周转和货物处理应用。特点1。灵活的侧站操作平台,宽视野桅杆和更小的转弯半径,提高了适应更小空间的能力,更狭窄的通道能力。2.符合人体工程学加长控制手柄,为操作者提供舒适和精确的负载控制。3.对讲机托盘千斤顶配备大功率高性能提升泵,具有高效稳定的升降功能。4.Lift control buttons on both sides of the handle allow easy access from either side of the riding pallet jack platform. 5.Crawl speed button on the operating handle provides precise controllability and superior maneuverability at a slower speed. 6.The handle features a return spring which can automatically restore the handle to its vertical position, enhancing durability. 7.Battery discharge LED indicator clearly displays the state of charge in four colors—green, blue, orange and red. 8.Key switch and battery discharge indicator are integrated in the handle for ease of operations. 9.External charger provides better heat dissipation performance and eliminates the risk of battery damage caused by stacker bump and vibration.