ITC200E是一款适用于实时温度测量的多功能热成像相机系统,为您的运营和业务提供最经济有效的解决方案之一。ITC200E是一个完美的应用程序,适用于许多公共领域,其中的安全和保护是有指导的。ThermoRay的高精度热传感器拥有业界领先的±0.3°C(±0.5°F)精度范围,允许在社会安全距离内获得可靠的测量结果。每次测温时间不超过几秒,并给出通过或失败的结果。远程探测安装远程热成像系统的全部目标是能够从社会安全距离测量每个单独的物体。ThermoRay具有1 ~ 1.5m的检测距离,能够快速识别每个传入个体的每个结果。这一切都始于一个想法。也许你想创业。也许你想把爱好变成更多的东西。或者你有一个创意项目要与全世界分享。 Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. Easy to Operate ThermoRay UI & OS allow any users to intuitively understand and operate as you go. We focused on putting things as simple as possible for users. Customization Do you have a special operations setting that requires customizations? We give you an easy yet effective settings customization options.