我们的压缩弹簧规格我们提供各种可定制的规格,因此您可以为您的特定需求订购完美的压缩弹簧。从不同的电线尺寸,使用的材料甚至涂抹,您可以确保您从Irvine Springs收到最好的服务和产品。电线尺寸:0.025mm(.005“)向上。材质:弹簧钢,不锈钢,硅铬,高碳,铍 - 铜,惰性,镀锌电线,温和钢,磷青铜,黄铜。形状:螺旋,圆锥形,桶,小时玻璃。结束:开放,封闭&地,封闭&;整理过程:回火,粉刷,脱毛,桶隆隆,按要求提供射击喷丸。饰面:锌/颜色钝化,黑锌镍,无电镀镍,黑氧化,铜电镀,镀铜,铬酸钝化,彩色染色,银。数量:我们可以使用现代计算机辅助机器有效地生产大量数量,但我们设有少量原型和样品的设施。什么是压缩弹簧? Compression springs offer resistance along the axis when there is an application of compressive force, as the name would suggest. In fact, these springs are considered the most efficient in terms of energy storage and one of the most versatile too. How Do Compression Springs Work? Compressions springs will try to push back to return to its original position when a load is applied. These helical springs can store energy or resist force, depending on the requirements of a specific application and use.