面具配备了环境舱口,使用户能够将面膜完全戴上,并且仍然呼吸环境空气,以将压缩空气保存在气缸中。通过非常简单的操作,将舱口盖推开,从气缸中激活了空气。使用此解决方案,用户始终确保拥有完美的密封。戴面膜时呼吸阀安装不当的风险在始终保持正确连接时会消除。另外,呼吸阀总是受到保护,从不暴露于污垢,污染和机械暴露。呼吸阀对面罩有正锁,始终提供安全连接。在准备并将面罩连接到呼吸阀之后,没有意外断开连接的风险。口罩和呼吸阀设计非常紧凑,没有突出的零件,可提供无限制的可见性并降低抢断和机械损坏的风险。面具的无声操作可减少噪音干扰和极好的沟通可能性。具有大型易于使用的手柄的整体旁路可用于暂时增加气流到面罩。 The wireless HUD is installed in the mask without the need for any additional parts or tools. •Secure positive lock connection of the breathing valve to the face mask •Demand controlled and activated from inner mask providing excellent breathing performance •Open ambient air hatch is indicated with a highly visible indicator arm •Prepared and compatible with voice communication systems, "Heads-Up Display" and spectacle kit •Ergonomic head harness with easily operated buckles