仪表独立温度显示器具有显示室内和室外温度的能力。C和F可互换。内置室外温度报警功能。显示最小/最高温度为两个显示器。显示器只需要一节AAA电池。该单元配有显示器和室外屏蔽温度探头。仪器操作-安装室外传感器,取下电池盖下的电池标签,仪器开启。根据测量的性质,仪器可能需要几秒钟才能稳定。室外温度报警设置-要打开警报,按ALERT SET按钮,ALE on将显示。再次按ALERT SET按钮,将显示ALE off。 The display will automatically switch back to the current temperature after two seconds. To set the alarm (Outdoor temp only), press and hold the ALERT SET button for two seconds until the lower display flashes. Press the °C/°F button to advance the temperature to the desired high temperature limit. Press the ALERT SET again, the top display will flash. Press the °C/°F button to advance the temperature to the desired low temperature limit. To revert to taking temperature readings press the ALERT SET again. The audible alarm will sound for five seconds and again every 55 seconds there after if the alarm temperatures have been exceeded. NOTE: the alarm only works on the OUTDOOR temperature sensor. The above alarm instructions relate to out of limit high and low temperature settings.