可伸缩移动带,帮助装卸产品,最长可达16吨可调自动延伸带。必威体育app官方下载固定基地超过四个饲料和2扩展投影。这条皮带在固定底座上方可达8米长。扩展开始自动通过按钮。你可以在方便的时候增加或减少腰带的长度。皮带允许装卸各种新鲜或冷冻的产品。必威体育app官方下载由带滑轨的封闭模块组成,1个固定底座和一些可扩展的投影。固定底座由滑动导向器组成,导向器为加长件,配备齿轮电机驱动,传送带为PVC传送带。固定基地超过四个饲料。基地和第一个扩展有驱动设备。 All extensions includes pneumatic and adjustable feed. - Electrical system complies with the standards rules of low tension, switching at 24 V, IP65 protection. - Conveyor belt built in PVC, Toothed Belt . - Automatic extension ellectrically powered. - Control switches in both sides of the belt. - Drive powered for each projection. - Pneumatic feed in each projection. - Pneumatic equipment for regulation and control. - Guides for the product. - Built in stainless steel AISI-304.