阳极氧化是通过使悬浮在电解液中的铝部件处于阳极状态而形成氧化铝涂层的过程。最常用的电解质是硫酸,重量为15%;然而,铬酸有时被用于飞机部件。该过程需要从30分钟到一个小时的任何地方,厚度范围从3密耳到2密耳。所生产的氧化铝涂层本质上是多孔的,具有吸附染料的能力或表现出优良的油漆锚型材。如果这些性能不理想,也可以密封。下面是最常见的阳极氧化规范。MIL-A-8625 II型-硫酸1级-纯硫酸阳极氧化在铝合金上产生氧化层,提高耐腐蚀性,也可用作油漆涂层的基料。其他用途是有限的耐磨性,电气绝缘和装饰用途。常规的硫酸阳极氧化是最有用的方法,可以使铝零件更有吸引力,更耐腐蚀。 The natural appearance of the aluminum oxide film is near transparent, and left as-is, it is known as clear anodizing. This is the most economical form of anodizing. The typical thickness ranges from .3 to .7 mils. Class 2 – Color Dye Color anodizing can make your products much more appealing, and is also useful for color-coding parts that look very similar but may have different uses or dimensions. IMF offers Black, Red, Blue, Green, Gold, and Yellow to suite your color anodizing needs.