工业离合器零件有限公司生产广泛的风力发电机制动系统。许多ICP制动器与风力市场上的主要制造商互换。ICP HHB-5-110是一种液压应用偏航制动器,专门为Gamesa G8X风力涡轮机设计。ICP制动器为低噪音、安全可靠的制动设定了行业标准。用于全球领先的风力发电厂制造商。互换性:Gamesa GP000136工业离合器部件有限公司生产了广泛的轻型,无噪音的制动系统,适用于大多数风力发电厂的制造商。ICP偏航和转子制动器已设计用于风力涡轮机的制动和滑行过程。ICP HHB-5-110是一种液压偏航制动器,专门为Gamesa G8X风力涡轮机制造。HHB-5-110包含了5个主动活塞和2个被动弹簧活塞,用于在转子转向迎风时停止并保持旋转机舱的位置。主动制动功能用于停止和保持; manufactured with a minimum air gap for faster braking and shorter response times. The spring-applied brake pistons are used for parking and emergency stopping in case of power failure; functioned to start when the oil pressure to the brake disappears. ICP holds stock of all Gamesa G8X yaw brake component parts, including pistons, hydraulic and dust seals, centering pins, and bushings. All available directly from stock to ensure prompt delivery and reduced downtime.