Indumart itp215电流到压力(I/P)转换器产生与4-20电流输入成正比的压力输出信号。本仪器采用优质和精密的电子元件,以确保卓越的精度,高可靠性和稳定的长寿命。IPT215系列esi / p变换器是基于一个力平衡系统,在该系统中线圈通过一个弯曲悬挂在磁铁的磁场中。流过线圈的电流产生线圈和挠曲的轴向运动。该弯曲对喷嘴的末端移动,并通过限制通过喷嘴的空气流动,在喷嘴中产生背压。这个背压作为一个先导压力到一个集成升压继电器,通过改变输入(mA)信号,输出压力将成比例变化。该转换器提供3…标准输出为15 psi或0.2~1 bar。但它可以订购各种其他输出压力范围。零点和量程(Z&P)调整可从仪器外部获得。 Using the Z&Padjustments, it can be calibrated by the user for a span as low as 5 psi (examples: 3...8 psi, 3..12 psi, 4...10 psi, 10...15 psi, 0.2~0.6 bar, 0.6~1 bar, etc.) or it can be adjusted to have a 3...15 psi output for an input span as low as 8 mA(4...12 mAor 12...20 mA) . Moreover, the action of the converter may be reversed at the site. In the reverse acting, the output is the opposite of the direct acting mode; for 4...20 mAinput, the output will be 15...3 psig. Since the Series ITP215converter is light weight, it may be mounted in-line and supported by the rigid pipes used for its air supply and output.