iKolinear方法U是具有带U形横截面的轨道导轨的线性运动滚动导向装置。滚道设置在轨道轨道的内表面上,并且安装在轨道轨道内的滑动单元沿着滚道行进。与具有矩形横截面的轨道导轨相比,U形轨道导轨具有更高的刚性,尤其是在时刻和扭转。因此,除了将轨道轨道固定在安装基座上的常规方式之外,它还可以自身用作机器和设备的结构构件,在悬臂位置或两端支撑。目录中未显必威体育app官方下载示一些产品。此外,可以进行修改以满足您的要求。请毫不犹豫地查询。通过采用新开发的U形轨道轨道,轨道导轨的刚度载荷和扭转的刚度大大增加了U形轨道轨道。轨道轨道可以保持在一侧或两侧,也用作机器或设备的结构束。因此,为用户扩展了设计自由。 High accuracy / high rigidity Thanks to the slide unit where large diameter steel balls are placed in 2 rows and contact with the raceway at 4 points, stable and high accuracy and rigidity can be achieved even in applications where loads with variable direction and size or complex loads are applied. Compact shape with low profile Because the slide unit and track rail have a compact shape with a minimized sectional height, design flexibility of peripheral equipment such as drive mechanisms will be improved, and the product will contribute to compactization of machines and devices. Ball retained type