风速计显示有警报。WM44-P V3 RF具有KM / H,MPH或M / s的3位风速读数。它配置为使用ANEMO4403 V3 RF + RF模块V3。不止一个显示器可以使用无线电传递集合。几个设备可以在同一区域中彼此通信,没有互动或干扰的风险。功能警报警报当风速值达到或超过编程值时触发警报。它包括可配置延迟,以防止警报被风的阵风触发。当风速下降到设定值以下时,警报被停用。它还具有可配置的延迟,以防止警报通过低强度风的临时延期停用。Alarm2的激活取消激活Alarm1。 When ALARM2 is activated, the reading will blink to warn about the danger. Alarms configuration: Activation values, polarity, intermittent or continuous alarm, alarm latching (only ALARM2) Alarms outputs: Relays. Contacts “NO” and “NC” (ALARM1), contact “NO” (ALARM2). Dry relay contacts. Wind speed sensors & Communication For exclusive use with the Anemo 4403 RF / BAT wireless sensor. Twin units share the same DL and MY parameters but exchanged. DL and MY parameters are written in the unit label. The sensor and the WM44-P V3 RF communicate each other through RF 802.15.4 2.4 GHz, that is a worldwide free frequency band. Default user setting The setting can be saved as “Default user setting” and can be retrieved when necessary P00 – (3). If no configuration has been saved, the factory configuration can be reset with this process.