可编程通用传感器接口光学位置传感器磁位置传感器增量位置传感器线性刻度功能全差分3通道信号调理差分/单端PGA输入总增益为-3 ~ 57 dB,步长0.08 dB可调输出参考偏移范围±1.2 V,2 mV信号带宽可调在步骤1 MHz和/延迟低于1µ年代选择自动增益和偏移量控制芯片或芯片外编码器应用温度传感温度漂移补偿增益和偏移量通过可编程look-up-tables Short-circuit-proof 1 Vpp / 2 Vpp司机100欧姆我²C输出接口to restore device setup from serial E²PROM Bidirectional 1-wire interface for direct RAM and E²PROM access Optical setup link via 1-wire interface operating a photo receiver Single 3.0 V to 5.5 V supply Extended operating temperature range of 40 to +125 °C