IBS快速脱脂Blitz-Z去除润滑脂,油和树脂。蒸发迅速,不留任何残留物。适用于涂装或上胶前的表面预处理。也适用于所有未经处理,未涂漆的金属(无腐蚀性)。用于维修和生产过程中难以触及的金属零件和机器的清洗。可用作模具清洗剂。应用可去除润滑脂、油脂和树脂。蒸发迅速,不留任何残留物。适用于涂装或上胶前的表面预处理。也适用于所有未经处理,未涂漆的金属(无腐蚀性)。 For cleaning of hard to reach metal parts and machines during maintenance and production. Can be used as mold cleaner. Application advantages cleaning efficiency — removes oil, grease, resin encrustination, silicones, remaining glue, tar, bitumen, cleaning efficiency due to a high spray pressure evaporation — very quickly residues — no residues odour — pleasant citron scent metal corrosion — none special properties — high yield due to carbonic acid emptying of residue is ensured — even if used upside down industrial spray head with ball valve and extended nozzle — minimum of evaporation loss during spraying, accurate and efficient application even if using gloves several approvals available