IBS-Parts Cleaning Device Type G-50-W节省空间的设备,紧凑的设计,可在最小的空间内清洗笨重的部件。封闭车间设计,结构稳定紧凑,工作台面:646 x 465毫米,承载能力可达50公斤。设备在紧凑稳定的车间设计,封闭。通过按下脚踏开关,自吸ibs专用泵将清洗剂从滚筒通过管道移动到电刷。在人工清洗过程中,新鲜的液体流出,被污染的液体流回桶内。沉重的灰尘颗粒落到了桶底。泵从转鼓的中间吸收新鲜的清洗剂。保证了专用清洗机延长使用寿命。装有脏液体的滚筒简单地用含有新鲜ibs专用清洗剂的滚筒代替。用于手动清洗金属和塑料制品中油腻和污损的部件,例如: industrial parts cleaning and degreasing of surfaces maintenance and repair of production facilities, conveyors, fittings, pumps, motors and other machine parts repair and maintenance of all kind of means of transportation, e.g. trucks, motor vehicles, rail vehicles, fork lifts and conveyor vehicles, agricultural and construction machines Advantage ideal for use in every repair shop or maintenance department compact and stable ergonomic construction 3 years warranty for device and pump when used in combination with IBS-Special Cleaning Agents