钻井工具 - 购买钻探工具产品在赫顿铸造钻头钻孔工具适用于Sandvik钻床DG810备件岩钻根据冲击压碎原理。工作时,活塞使高频往复运动进行高频往复运动,并连续影响钎焊尾巴。在冲击力的作用下,通过尖锐的楔形钻头压碎并钻入一定深度,形成凹痕。当活塞撤退时,钎焊以一定的角度旋转,活塞向前移动,并且当钎焊尾部再次受到冲击时,形成新的凹痕。两个凹口之间的扇形岩石块被钻头产生的水平力剪切。活塞连续冲击钻头并连续地从钻头的中心孔中输入压缩空气或压力,以将炉渣从孔中排出,这形成具有一定深度的圆形钻孔。Hyton‘s Drill Rock Tools can be perfectly matched with the world famous brand such as Atlas Copco, Sandvik, Ingersoll-Rand and other well-known manufacturers′ Drill rigs and they are widely applied to varies of areas including blast holes, earthwork projects, mineral exploration, water-well, construction, geo-thermal exploration,mainly include : DTH Hammer , DTH Bit , Drill Rod , Taper Button Bit , Thread Button Bit , Shank Adapter and etc . Hyton offers a complete line of tapered button bits and taper drill steel rod for all of hand-held pneumatic drilling needs. They are designed to provide longer service life, lower drilling costs and increased penetration rate.