Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton Hyton海腾的铸件耐磨件可与美卓、山特维克、特尔史密斯、特雷克斯、西蒙斯、Trio、克里曼、Extec等世界著名的破碎设备品牌配套使用。适用材料:卵石、花岗岩、玄武岩、铁矿石、石灰石、石英岩、辉绿岩、铁矿石、金矿、铜矿等。应用领域:砂石场、混凝土搅拌站、干砂浆厂、电厂、石英砂等。主要特点:1.20年经验,耐磨性能高,使用寿命长。2.生产能力:2万吨/年。3.通过ISO体系认证。4. Large amount of stock for customer with competitive price. 5. OEM service available. Hyton's Guarantee to all of our customers : All of the castings finish must go along with the Metal Inspection and Dimension Inspection . Hyton will always have the responsibility of all the products from hyton in the market , will service a "24+3"service rules (After get the request from customer , The after-service department of hyton myst supply the feedback solution within 24 hours ,and must get Consistent scheme amd solve the promblem within 3 days . Hyton have a professional after-service team can promise service all over the world ,service including the Installation Guide ,Measurement at site ,Inspection and etc .