HYDROKOMP的耦合元件由不锈钢材料制成。这使得该元件可以用于所有不具有腐蚀性的流体和气体。特殊的设计。对于水、蒸汽或其他介质,可根据要求提供。HYDROKOMP提供两种不同的工作模式的耦合元件,减压耦合或加压耦合。如果不超过规定的体积流量,减压式联轴器的元件可以被加压至25bar。当使用较高的工作压力时,由于流体的高流速,会出现破坏止回阀软密封的风险。这意味着对于空气压力在10bar以下的联轴器,应始终使用减压联轴器的联轴器元件。这也适用于耦合过程开始加压时。可以耦合加压的元件可以在一侧和/或两侧耦合到最大指定的工作压力。 The built-in elements are particularly suitable for installation in plates of multiple coupling systems. Threaded body elements can be directly scewed into the fixture body, for example of a tool change system. There, they are ideal suitable as an interface for medium transfer. Special features: stainless materials and replaceable system seals for long service life ideal for space-saving installation in individual receiving housings transmission of liquid and gaseous mediums and vacuum pressurized or depressurized coupling various with four nominal diameters standard elements and special designs available