坚固电话机KNSP-26坚固电话机,采用玻璃钢材料压铸而成。坚固耐用的电话。特殊密封设计,完全防水等级IP66。耐风雨、防尘、防潮。广泛应用于隧道和室外的防风雨电话。大多数发电厂需要强健的电话。描述项目便携式电话沿轨道使用(直拨电话),VoIP可选。像便携式手机一样的电话将没有键盘。这是热线电话。它带有一个开关线路的按钮。 It is weather protected IP66. The call start when handset receiver is connected and after t he operator press on the button of call. The call stop when one or the other of the speaker hangs up again. Easy operation: open the door-->plug the connect plug into a proper telephone socket--> pick the handset and press the call button--> speaking--> hang up--> close the door.