SIP广播PCB板KN518, PCB表面胶合保护:防水、防尘、防氧化。采用特殊工艺处理,将KN518 SIP广播PCB板在70℃至-40℃的纯工业环境下正常运行工作。工作在-40℃-+70℃危险纯工业环境4 ~100个I/O输出和外部控制输入支持WAN/LAN,双工对讲机,回声消除,在线升级可选摄像头带TFT显示和摄像头可选网页最多50+ IP站组/直呼无Servier可调音量IP地址声音报告或LCD显示门电话RFID卡读卡器板状放大器用于寻呼选项CCTV触发器可用SIP 2.0和私有协议5年保修期PCB特性1。SIP 2.0平台与IMS运营商对接,主流厂商IP PBX对接。2.高端芯片:采用嵌入式DSGP芯片,稳定可靠。3.通话灵活:支持免提、听筒、耳机操作方式。4. Voice interface: hands-free, handset, headset, audio interfaces and an external amplifier interface. 5. Power supply: DC5V-15V, compatible POE IP PBX power supply mode (POE 802.3af Classl 48V) 6. Alarm Interface: Built-in three-way input detecting short circuit, output short-circuit three-way. 7. Telecom-level voice: support full-duplex speakerphone, providing Telecom level voice quality. 8. On board Amplifier: Built-in 2.5W / 4Ω digital amplifier, drive loudspeakers directly. 9. Remote adjust volume: support the console remote to adjust the volume. 10. Multiple key options: support dial any telephone number, the numeric keypad and function keys, speed dial keys, editing keys.