快速,易于安装,可靠,耐用的焊剂芯和MIG准备焊机,具有最佳价值的优越电弧。焊接可达1/4",工作在115V输入电压和高达140A输出电源。包含什么舒适10英尺(3米)H100S2-10枪10英尺(3米)工作电缆夹内置气体电磁阀和双规调节器与气体软管阀芯毂总成容纳4或8英寸。样品阀芯0.030英寸。(0.8mm)自屏蔽磁通芯线。030英寸。快速选择™驱动辊为.024英寸。(0.6毫米)或.030 /。035年。(08年/。9毫米)实心线,和。030/。035年。(0.8/0.9 mm)焊剂芯线带插头电源线焊接指南和材料厚度计用户手册,包括安装、操作和维护指南。 Excellent arc performance Smooth, stable arc on all thicknesses Industrial cast aluminum wire drive system Professional and durable wire feed performance. Five-position voltage control Five voltage ranges allow you to fine-tune the arc. Quick Select drive roll Makes setup quicker by offering three grooves - two for different size solid wire and a third for flux-cored wire. Weighs on 57 pounds Easier to transport: increased ability to weld where you need to weld.