经济型号25/55/110/165/220/250/330/440KVA MFDC点/压焊机产品种类齐全,从55KVA到1250KVA必威体育app官方下载,最大短路输出电流可达200,000安培。2.适用于点凸焊、钎焊、高温扩散焊、缝焊等工艺。3.与交流焊机相比,对电网的需求较小。4.取代了高能耗的交流焊机、三相整流焊机,节能环保。5.独立开发的802/803控制器稳定可靠,具体功能可根据客户要求开发。 6. In the high strength steel spot welding, compressor and other fields of ring projection welding process is mature. 7. The power supply above 60KA has a large market volume. 8. High and low configuration of two series, suitable for different needs. 9. High calss model series has good rigidity, adopting modular design, and can be equipped with resistance welding real-time quality monitoring system.