GP4 LX系列价格计算台秤,不锈钢结构,双防水键盘。适用于预包装产品的标签。必威体育app官方下载LCD字母数字双显示(操作和客户端),白色背光。双防水键盘由36个多功能膜键组成,由于特殊的侧袋,易于辨认,35个机械键由胶粘剂丝网印刷保护。8运营商。热贴标机分辨率为8点/毫米,非常适合预包装产品的标签。必威体育app官方下载打印宽度可达56毫米。Max。辊宽63mm,外径120mm (EVO版外径203.2 mm带外贴标机)。易于更换卷筒,通过一个可拆卸的门和一个可拆卸的小车,便于更换纸张。 Stainless steel body, 420x390x180mm (WxWxH). 410x230mm (WxW) stainless steel plate. 230Vac power supply. Standard Ethernet port (optional USB connector). OIML R76 approved. Selectable operating mode: by receipt, price weight for labelling, single item or self-service. 8 with direct keys 20 totals. Archive 7000 PLU, 72 direct recall. 50 PLU groups. 5 active tares for operators. 999 ingredient lists up to 420 digits. 99 product traceability. 4 VAT rates, with separation function. 10 advertising messages. Queue eliminator. 8 types of payment. 3 programmable password levels. Storage and reopening of daily receipts. Starters, discounts, special offers, hourly sales reports, customer management. Total operators, PLUs, product groups, VAT rates and short and long term payment types. PLU priority working mode. Logo printing, EAN13 and EAN8 barcodes, total, lot, glazing.